Democracy and Feudalistic between Daisy Miller and Mrs. Costello through Sociological Approach as reflected in Daisy Miller (1879)


  • Edi Ardian Universitas Islam Indragiri



democracy=demokrasi,, feudalistic=feodal,, high and low status=kelas atas dan bawah.


There are several kinds of literary works. They are a poem, novel, fiction, drama,
etc. Daisy Miller is one of the famous and popular novels. This novel is written in
the spring of London. The Author is Henry James. The writer analyzed this novel by
the sociological approach. This research applies qualitative research which the
data are taken from the analysis document and material from books and internet
research. Data analysis concerns the interpretative technique that focuses on
examining data. The main source of this research is the novel Daisy Miller this
research is going to answer the research questions what is the characteristic of
democracy and Feudalistic is as reflected in Daisy miller novel? And what are the
phenomena between democracy and Feudalistic in Daisy Miller novel? From the
analysis the author concluded that Daisy Miller is a representative of American
woman as same as democracy in the American Custom, She is going abroad to
Switzerland which is peaceful country inhabited by all kinds of people of different
race, ethnic, language, skin color, religion, profession, from all over the world.
The Henry James as the author showed Daisy Miller as a vulgar and as free as
the representation of American culture that has correlated with the social life. On the
other hand, the author describes Mrs. Costello as a Feudalistic of European
culture. Mrs. Costello is a representation as European social-life that always
distinguishes between high and low status and it is one of the character of Feudalism.
The feudalistic was that the power of the ruling class or Aristocracy rested on their
control of the farmable lands, leading to a class based upon the exploitation of the
peasants who farm these lands.




How to Cite

Ardian, E. (2019). Democracy and Feudalistic between Daisy Miller and Mrs. Costello through Sociological Approach as reflected in Daisy Miller (1879). EJI (English Journal of Indragiri): Studies in Education, Literature, and Linguistics, 3(2), 60–71.