Peran Strategis Pendidikan Islam Di Era Globalisasi


  • Khairuddin Khairuddin Universitas Islam Indragiri
  • A. Muthalib Universitas Islam Indragiri



Peran, Pendidikan Islam, Globalisasi


Globalization has brought transformative impact on social life in various segments. Territorial openness between nations by information and communication technology. This has implications for the dimension of life, especially for the existence and projection of Islamic education. Islamic education faces multidimensional and complex challenges such as technology, ideology, social, cultural, economic, and political.

The moral and intellectual challenges that are before us now are quite ruwet, and therefore cannot be answered by the past. Answers in the meantime will only obscure the question. The world today, having been shaken by hedonistic materialism and atheist materialism, then needs a fresh, holistic and relieving moral reorientation.

So the solution of Islamic education today and the future is to increase the Human Resource (SDM), through the correct understanding of the values of Islam (al-Quran), as the Prophet and the early generations understood it, we can offer as a ransom for the treatment of diseases of this world and humanity increasingly complex. Islamic education provides an effective and efficient solution in organizing the system of social life in the midst of multidimensional globalization. Therefore, as a key word, let us try not to appear as a bad ad of the Qur'an.


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How to Cite

Khairuddin, K., & A. Muthalib. (2024). Peran Strategis Pendidikan Islam Di Era Globalisasi. Edukasi, 12(1), 22–30.


