The Contribution of Hand-Eye Coordination to Volleyball Passing Skills in Student Extracurricular Activities at SMK Negeri 1 Tembilahan


  • tommy hendrawan hen universitas islam indragiri



Hand Eye Coordination, and Passing in Volleyball


This research is correlational, namely to find out between one variable and another, while the population in this study were all female students who took part in volleyball extracurricular activities at SMK Negeri 1 Tembilahan, totaling 18 people. While the sampling technique in this study used a total sampling technique, amounting to 18 people. To obtain research data, tests and measurements were carried out, namely the Ballwerfen und-Fangen to measure hand-eye coordination and to conduct a Volleyball Upper Passing test. Before being analyzed, the data normality test was first carried out with the Lilliefors test. Data analysis used the Product Moment formula and continued with a significance test of the correlation with the t distribution. From the results of the study, it was obtained that the correlation coefficient rcount = 0.62 > rtable = 0.44 (the research hypothesis is accepted) and the correlation significance test (t distribution) shows tcount (4.02) > ttable (1.74) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted (significant), and where the result of testing the hypothesis is 0.62. This means that from the results of this study it was concluded that there was a significant contribution between Hand Eye Coordination on Volleyball Passing Skills in Student Extracurricular Activities at SMK Negeri 1 Tembilahan, and both variables had data interpretations in the Strong category.





How to Cite

hen, tommy hendrawan. (2023). The Contribution of Hand-Eye Coordination to Volleyball Passing Skills in Student Extracurricular Activities at SMK Negeri 1 Tembilahan. JOI (Jurnal Olahraga Indragiri): Olahraga, Pendidikan , Kesehatan, Rekreasi, 7(1), 52–56.